Explore Media was born on a mountaintop. The offspring of a union between gods? No, mere mortals. But mortals who had learned the art of good storytelling. And as they grew, they told more stories...through any moving-picture medium they could find: commercials, branded content, digital spots. They became confidants of agency creatives, producers, brands and marketers, all of them. Who then trusted Explore Media to produce their creative stories. And in the process they inspired their audiences (and impressed the bosses). The more stories they told, the better they became at telling stories, and they were honored with awards for the stories that were told.
Then one ordinary day, just like today, you found out about these stories, and decided to read this mythology. And like all great mythologies, you know the story may not have happened exactly this way, but you still know the story to be true. And as you were reading this mythology, you wondered your place in their story - this telling-of-stories story. This eye-catching, attention-grabbing, target-market-responding, advertising & digital content story.